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2001-11-16 - 3:56 p.m.

'They fly from me, that sometime did me seek...

Cari pensieri;

I write to you with a disproportionate fervour. I'd fain we spoke. No more my girdle, or even an adornment. A growth of cloth? 'Add on, add on' - and I am swayed. I think of you and realise that we are not one with Nature. There shall be no exemplary increase. My only witnesses to you, these pages - mere seconds to my own fleetingly brazen Parisian - o be they ever and always chaste?

Per me e i miei vicini...O that I had a neighbour. A sprout. Let me call him Blinkley. Dandy. Stilts. Plaid. Checkered. Bespectacled. Immune. The negation of...of? A (putative) shared grin. A poursuivant. O these hackneyed times we live in...

'Let them eat green'. We are come over with envy of the world. Alive. He is swollen and emaciated. The pain of discovery has arrived in rivets.


'We'll teach you to drink deep, ere you depart'

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