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2002-06-23 - 10:36 p.m.

Loin de l'�tre

You don't look at all well, quite loin de l'�tre in fact
Poor pale-face what's the matter, don't they know?
Oh they don't know, but still I don't feel well.
Nor ever shall, my name is Loin de l'�tre .

They stood on the empty terrace above the precipice
When this conversation took place
Between the affectionate but exasperated friend
and the invalid. It is not possible to be
Ill and merry, poor Loin de l'�tre sighed
And forced a smile, but oh she was so tired,
So tired, called Echo, so tired.

Now pull yourself together, cried the friend
Together cried Echo,
I must leave you now for a tick, she said
Mind you don't get edgy looking at the precipice.
The lovely invalid sighed, Loin de l'�tre,
And Echo taking the form of a handsome young man
Cried, Loin de l'�tre and took her away with him.

Stevie Smith

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