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Sunday, Feb. 16, 2003 - 10:29 a.m.

"I am for peace, but when I speak they are for war."

The Psalmist

I live in an imperfect democracy. My freedom is not total, but it extends so far that I can express myself freely without unreasonable fear of reprisal. I can choose the leader of my country from among an (admittedly small) pool of candidates. And if the chosen leader proves not to my liking, I can vote to have him or her removed at the next election.

I have the freedom to adopt any religion with which I form a spiritual chord. If I wish to worship the God of Isaac and Abraham, I may. If I wish to burn incense and perform sacrifices for the God of Jesus, Joseph and Mary, that may also be done. If I wish to abandon the Judeo-Christian tradition and to declare myself a follower of Allah, I am free to do so. If I reject the idea of an omnipotent overlord and wish to declare myself an atheist, the law does not forbid me from doing so.

When I switch on the television now, in search of information about the world, I am given a multitude of choices. If I wish to purchase a satellite in order to watch television stations that broadcast from a country other than the one I live in, I can do so.

If I wish to express myself publicly through a letter or article in a newspaper, by publishing a book, or even by making my own soapbox and standing in the middle of a busy street expounding on all and sundry, no one will stop me. If I wish to advocate the dismantlement of the state and its replacement with a Communist regime, people will laugh, but the police will not hurt me.

These are only a few of the rights that the people of Iraq do not enjoy. I have not even mentioned the rights to privacy and movement. What I would like to know is where the evil resides in attempting to rid the world of Saddam Hussein. A dictator will never give up his power freely - he must be forced out. The Iraqi people are too weak to do so. The United States, however, is stronger. Through the US, a new beginning for the people of Iraq can be achieved.

Do not tell me that I am not a lover of peace. I will be a lover of peace after the war - as soon as the people of Iraq can enjoy a free political discussion without being afraid of a bullet through the head.

The people of Iraq are dying, dying. Will they continue to die while nothing is achieved? Or shall we begin the great work of removing their chains?


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